Technical Program

PDF version of the RSS 2006 technical program

Wednesday Aug 16:

8:30-8:40 Opening

Session I

8:40-9:30 Invited Talk: Hiroshi Ishiguro
Android Science - New framework for interactive robots
9:30-9:55 Haptic Playback: Simultaneously Displaying Force and Position Data to Teach Sensorimotor Skills
M. Corno, M. Zefran
9:55-10:30 Coffee Break

Session II

10:30-10:55 Optimal Rules for Programmed Stochastic Self-Assembly
E. Klavins, S. Burden and N. Napp
10:55-11:20 Sliding Autonomy for Complex Coordinated Multi-Robot Tasks: Analysis & Experiments
F. Heger, S. Singh
11:20-12:00 Spotlights
12:00-1:30 Lunch

Session III

Chair: Dieter Fox
1:30-2:20 Invited Talk: Jovan Popovic
Semantic Models of Shape
2:20-2:45 Improving Robot Navigation Through Self-Supervised Online Learning
B. Sofman, E. Lin, J. Bagnell, N. Vandapel, A. Stentz
2:45-3:10 Self-supervised Monocular Road Detection in Desert Terrain
H. Dahlkamp, A. Kaehler, D. Stavens, S. Thrun, G. Bradski
3:10-3:35 Enhancing Supervised Terrain Classification with Predictive Unsupervised Learning
M. Happold, M. Ollis, N. Johnson
3:35-4:00 Coffee Break

Session IV

Chair: Oliver Brock
4:00-4:25 Distributed Coverage Control with Sensory Feedback for Networked Robots
M. Schwager, J. McLurkin, D. Rus
4:25-4:50 Integrated Planning and Control for Convex-bodied Nonholonomic systems using Local Feedback Control Policies
D. Conner, H. Choset, A. Rizzi
4:50-5:15 On Comparing the Power of Mobile Robots
J. O'Kane, S. LaValle
5:15-7:00 Dinner (No planned event)
7:00-10:00 Poster session

Thursday August 17:

Session V

Chair: Gaurav Sukhatme
8:30-9:20 Invited Talk: Takeo Kanade
Computer vision: where are we?
9:20-9:45 Exploiting Locality in SLAM by Nested Dissection
P. Krauthausen, A. Kipp, F. Dellaert
9:45-10:10 Unified Inverse Depth Parametrization for Monocular SLAM
J. Montiel, J. Civera, A. Davison
10:10-10:45 Coffee Break

Session VI

Chair: George Pappas
10:45-11:10 Qualitative Hybrid Control of Dynamic Bipedal Walking
S. Ramamoorthy, B. Kuipers
11:10-11:35 Gait Regulation and Feedback on a Robotic Climbing Hexapod
G. Haynes, A. Rizzi
11:35-12:00 Slip Prediction Using Visual Information
A. Angelova, L. Matthies, D. Helmick, P. Perona
12:00-1:30 Lunch

Session VII

Chair: Eric Klavins
1:30-2:20 Invited Talk: Tom Daniel
Nature's Robots: Control and dynamics in insect flight
2:20-2:45 Pursuit and evasion in arbitrary dimensions
R. Ghrist, S. Alexander, R. Bihsop
2:45-3:10 A Unified Framework to Represent Physically Cooperating Mobile Robots and Other Robotic Systems
A. Deshpande, J. Luntz
3:10-3:35 An Equilibrium Point based Model Unifying Movement Control in Humanoids
X. Gu, D. Ballard
3:35-4:00 Coffee Break

Session VIII

Chair: Cyrill Stachniss
4:00-4:25 A new inlier identification scheme for robust estimation problems
W. Zhang, J. Kosecka
4:25-4:50 A probabilistic Exemplar Approach to Combine Laser and Vision for Person Tracking
D. Schulz
4:50-5:15 Outdoor Path Labeling Using Polynomial Mahalanobis Distance
G. Grudic, J. Mulligan
5:15-5:45 Probabilistic Terrain Analysis For High-Speed Desert Driving
S. Thrun, M. Montemerlo, A. Aron
5:45-7:00 GRASP tour
7:00-10:00 Banquet
Speaker: Ron Kurjanowicz
DARPA Grand Challenge
Location: Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts

Friday August 18:

Session IX

Chair: Stefan Schaal
8:30-9:20 Invited Talk: Yoshi Nakamura
Let Motion Patterns Speak
9:20-9:45 Multi-loop Position Analysis via Iterated Linear Programming
J. Porta, L. Ros, F. Thomas
9:45-10:10 Inverse Kinematics for a Serial Chain with Fully Rotatable Joints
L. Han, L. Rudolph
10:10-10:45 Coffee Break

Session X

Chair: Vijay Kumar
10:45-11:10 A Gravity Balancing Passive Exoskeleton for the Human Leg
S. Agrawal, S. Banala, A. Fattah
11:10-11:35 Design methodologies for central pattern generators: an application to crawling humanoids
L. Righetti, A. Ijspeert
11:35-12:00 Dynamic Imitation in a Humanoid Robot through Nonparametric Probabilistic Inference
D. Grimes, R. Chalodhorn, R. Rao
12:00-12:05 Best student paper award presentation
(Sponsored by Springer on behalf of the journal Autonomous Robots)
12:05-12:10 Closing
1:30-6:00 Workshops

Saturday August 19:

8:30-6:00 Workshops

Poster Session

  1. Computing Smooth Feedback Plans Over Cylindrical Algebraic Decompositions
    S. Lindemann, S. LaValle
  2. Analytical Characterization of the Accuracy of SLAM without Absolute Orientation Measurements
    A. Mourikis, S. Roumeliotis
  3. The Data Association Kalman Filter (DAKF)
    B. Schumitsch, S. Thrun, L. Guibas, K. Olukotun
  4. Adaptive Dynamics with Efficient Contact Handling for Articulated Robots
    R. Gayle, M. Lin, D. Manocha
  5. Generation of Point-contact State Space between Strictly Curved Objects
    P. TANG, J. Xiao
  6. A Bayesian Approach to Nonlinear Parameter Identification for Rigid Body Dynamics
    J. Ting, M. Mistry, J. Peters, S. Schaal, J. Nakanishi
  7. Learning Operational Space Control
    J. Peters, S. Schaal
  8. The Iterated Sigma Point Filter with Applications to Long Range Stereo
    G. Sibley, G. Sukhatme, L. Matthies
  9. Environment Identification for a Running Robot Using Inertial and Actuator Cues
    P. Giguere, G. Dudek, S. Saunderson, C. Prahacs
  10. Elastic Roadmaps: Globally Task-Consistent Motion for Autonomous Mobile Manipulation in Dynamic Environments
    Y. Yang, O. Brock
  11. Responsive robot gaze to interaction partner
    Y. Yoshikawa, K. Shinozawa, H. Ishiguro, N. Hagita, T. Miyamoto
  12. Constant-factor approximation algorithms for the Traveling Salesperson Problem for Dubins' vehicle
    K. Savla, E. Frazzoli, F. Bullo
  13. Gaussian Processes for Signal Strength-Based Location Estimation
    B. Ferris, D. Haehnel, D. Fox